Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 5, 2012

Novelreflection Dog Boy

The book I've read is called Dog Boy. It was written by Christopher Russell. The book start when a boy was found as a baby by a woman in sir Edmund's kitchen in the dogs' kennel. Then he was raised with the dogs. The strongest, biggest mastiff of the pack was named Glaive and Brind( the dog boy). Then one day, Sir Edmund got a message from the king that if he want to serve the kingdom, he could go to war to fight against the French though Sir Edmund's grandfather was a French and his wife, him, Brind and the maids in his kitchen speak French too. Sir Edmund brought the pack, Brind, Tullo( his huntsman), Philip( his nephew and also his page), his big shield, his rusty sword and his bad armor to war. When they reach the place where everyone who wants to fight with France have to go at the coast of England, they met a guy named Sir Charles. Sir Charles wants to trade with Sir Edmund his second best armor to have Brind in his hound dog pack and it's because he saw Brind took some grains and throw them on the dogs when they are barking far away and the dogs stop what they're doing instantly then run to the place where Brind is standing but Sir Edmund doesn't agree. When they cross the sea and reach Crecy, the French arrived. Everybody fought bravely but Glaive got hurt from the start so Brind followed him. When it's dark, Brind did go back to Crecy and saw that the English side had won the battle. Then he saw Tullo and Tullo threaten Brind that he was a coward and ran away from the battle so he has to kill Brind so he bite Tullo's hand and run into the forest again. While that is happening, Sir Edmund got hit by another knight and split his shield in half. Then he become the other knight's prisoner. They hunt together, eating birds almost everyday and live in a wooden house of the knight in the forest with Philip. They were almost friends but Sir Edmund have to pay a ransom for the French guy. He also said that Sir Edmund doesn't need to pay it but that would humiliate him if he does so Sir Edmund still want to pay the ransom. Then Brind find Aurelie (a girl that got push out of the wall of the town she's living in because of the English attacking the French then she ran away) in the forest while searching for Glaive and she decide to go and search the dog with him. When they found Glaive, Brind healed the dog's wound by a kind of plant and used Aurelie's pieces of her dress to tie it up. Then Sir Edmund send Phillip to send a letter back to his home and tell his wife that he's alright. Tullo met Phillip and Brind and Aurelie at the same time so Phillip tell the kids to take his horse and run away to Sir Edmund but Tullo killed him right alter that. When they found Sir Edmund, Brind was happy but he was angry because Brind ran away in the war. In that house when everybody was asleep, Tullo also manage to find his way to that house too. Then he take some liquid and pour it around the house then burn it down. Glaive was the first one who woke up first. He woke Brind, Arelie and Sir Edmund but the French knight was dead because part of the roof fell on him and burned him. There was a bucket of water in the house and four of them pour it on each other. they manage to get out of the house just when it collapsed. They traveled and traveled for months to get home but Tullo managed to go back to Dowe Manor in less than a week because he had a horse. He told Beatrice- Sir Edmund's wife that Sir Edmund is dead. When Brind, Sir Edmund and Aurelie come back to the Manor, the female dogs know that Brind had came back and killed Tullo. After that all of them live very happy.